Fishers Business Change Curve


Most of us have felt the impact of change, in many different ways, during these difficult times due to the pandemic. Some of us are anxious or angry, a few are depressed, many ask a lot of questions and others are trying out different solutions to get moving again. In the end some of us […]

Bridge over trouble waters


Sometimes when you pass over the bridge between Denmark and Sweden, I think about how small the distance is between these two countries and yet they are so far away from each other. Due to that I am part Danish and part Swedish on my mothers and fathers side and born within the British Commonwealth, […]

In Hindsight


Most of us only focus forwards and keeps on moving, mostly without looking back or thinking about what we could have done differently in our different business relationships. Once things starts to unfold or worse fall apart, we react differently dependable upon what has worked earlier or not, most of us just think “win some […]

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