The white elephant in the room

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Not everyone know the story about the “the white elephant in the room”, most people only know the story about “the elephant in the room”. What once was an brilliant idea can, today, be an enormous economic burden due to that circumstances has changed and business is being conducted in a different way compared to […]

It takes two to tango


Should you really do anything for a client, or should there be some kind of balance between you and your commitments? Well, I am sure we can get a lot of different answers to that question dependable who you ask and what the circumstances are regarding business, commitments and how dependable they are of each […]

Bridge over trouble waters


Sometimes when you pass over the bridge between Denmark and Sweden, I think about how small the distance is between these two countries and yet they are so far away from each other. Due to that I am part Danish and part Swedish on my mothers and fathers side and born within the British Commonwealth, […]

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