Has your business changed ?


In my one case, I have been traveling a lot and at the same time had a couple of trainings both virtually and face to face. It’s a big difference in attitude and behavior once you start to move around and interacting with people and companies.You also see a change in behavior and that people […]

Point of view

Skärmavbild 2021-05-01 kl. 13.35.04

I recently listen to an audio book about a recent event in history, the interesting part of the story was how involved people decided to respond to the critical event that was developing around them. It is quite often that we can find event in real life and reflect on what would be a proper […]

Fishers Business Change Curve


Most of us have felt the impact of change, in many different ways, during these difficult times due to the pandemic. Some of us are anxious or angry, a few are depressed, many ask a lot of questions and others are trying out different solutions to get moving again. In the end some of us […]

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