A while back I had a discussion with a manager that I am mentoring , what he should do regarding some major changes, he shared with me some of his concerns and different issues he saw as possible threats in the future, both internally and externally. In most of the different problems and conflicts that […]
Soldier On
Well it is as I have said before, life is full of curveballs, and sometimes its better not to know whats coming your way, its just better to solider on and keep solving issues as they arrive. When you take a look on what’s happening around you both locally and globally, there is quite a […]
Happy days are here again?
Finally 2020 is coming to an end, it’s almost over, and it looks much brighter in many ways, but I don’t dare to think that all the challenges are coming to an end, or are they? When I look back on 2020, I thought in August that the pandemic more or less was over and […]
Stay focused, stay safe
The last 3 month have been quite busy and I must say very interesting too, compared to what I expected and what I planned for this year. I also have the possibility to take a step back and reconsider, what we are supposed to focus on and what actually was the end results of everything […]