The spinn of effect.


Its nice to have some time together with family and friends the next couple of weeks, time that will be well spent with them closes to me.

In most cases we all have a lot to do and chase the next opportunity infront of us without actually taking time to reflect on what’s really is important.

In most cases when I look at my kids and grand children I realize how fast time passes by, especially when you realize how fast your own kids has grown up and suddenly the are grown ups with jobs and responsibilities.

All my kids are at that age and period in their life where a lot happens in their carrier wish also calls on me to coach and support them in the decisions the have to make and the support they can get in discussing the different options they have.

I sometimes think back on my own life and how little help I actually had in discussing my options with someone that really knew and understood what was actually needed.

The world is moving along in a much higher phase than back in the seventies or eighties for that matter, if one choose a career back then it could last a life time, today, its expected to last a couple of years.

They say that 80% of the jobs in 10 or 20 years don’t exist today, so how do you prepare for a life working when so much today is volatile?

Today I think about what advice I would have given two years ago and what advice I would give to day under the same circumstances, one thing is sure, the advice would not be the same for obvious reason.

Circumstances has really changed, the skillset needed in the future is for me quite different and will of course demand new ways of  handling different issues and circumstances from now on.

Two years into the pandemic has learned me a lot, and in hindsight I must say that I wouldn’t have done much better even if I knew what was coming.

Basically the best principle has been to take everything step by step, and focus on finding opportunities where ever the would occur och explore them in the best matter you could.

Slowly building momentum over time has been the best strategy to follow and making sure to build every opportunity upon other opportunities.

To make that a bit more understandable nothing just happens , in most cases it has a connection one way or the other to an action or a counteraction, it’s traceable.

If you take the time to analyze the traceability by looking back into different opportunities you can actually find what it is you should be looking for to build success in the future.

This so called spinn off effect is the basic mathematical formula you should work on and have as your guideline planing for the future.

If you have difficulties finding them, give me a call, I could give you some pointers if you want.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Christopher Bell Blomquist Consulting
Managing Director
Lead Negotiator Consultant
Scotwork Sweden