Seller: “Here we are, trying to get our services, product or whatever we are selling over the table, so our clients can buy it, and of course, keeps on buying it for a long time.” Buyer: “We are making sure, that we set up a procedure, to secure we meet our own goals, and that […]
The King’s and Queens fool
Back in the older days most royalties kept a fool ( Joker, Court Jester ) around at court, that had a more serious purpose than most people are aware of today. For most people the fool was just an entertainer, in some cases he also looked funny and were just not taken seriously for obvious […]
I give so that you may give
“Do ut des” in latin means ” I give so that you may give”, a form of transaction that occurs in many different relationships . Nowadays I do not watch television as much as before, mostly because I hate all the commercials that interrupts all the time, at best I record a film and watch it […]
Is Brexit played out in good faith?
Now there is less than a month left to Brexit, and if nothing is done by either side to find a suitable solution, then I am afraid we all are in harms way, one way or the other. It is not that easy that just one side will be hit and another will prevail, the […]