Sometimes when you pass over the bridge between Denmark and Sweden, I think about how small the distance is between these two countries and yet they are so far away from each other. Due to that I am part Danish and part Swedish on my mothers and fathers side and born within the British Commonwealth, […]
2020, a stab in the dark?
What a year 2019 has been, and what can we all expect from the next one, well your guess is as good as mine I suppose. If I take a look back a year and try to figure what I knew at the time and what I expected of 2019, and what in the end […]
I give so that you may give
“Do ut des” in latin means ” I give so that you may give”, a form of transaction that occurs in many different relationships . Nowadays I do not watch television as much as before, mostly because I hate all the commercials that interrupts all the time, at best I record a film and watch it […]
Does your nationality and culture have a say in how you do business?
Before I had the pleasure of meeting different people from all corners of the world , I did not care or even think of how we interact with each other when it came to doing business. Interesting enough nationality and culture can have a great impact on your business negotiation when it comes to how […]