Vacation is over and it’s time to get back to work soon and prepare for an autumn full of both foreseen and unforeseen curve balls. Part of my preparation is to plan ahead and see what I have to take into consideration and what I can rule out will have an impact on my companies […]
Better the devil you know
With everything that goes on around us, it’s very easy to wish that different issues could be changed, by making sure new people were in charge, rather than the ones we have to deal with at the moment. Back when I was a teenager, I used to read a magazine called MAD, for you that […]
Fake News?
Difficult as it is, it is close to impossible to always secure you really have the facts you need and that you really can trust the different sources around you. Most of our views are based on assumptions , and most of these assumptions are really not questioned enough, not only by other but especially […]
Russia vs Scandinavia or Nato?
2 month has gone since the war started, in the beginning no one expected Ukraine to last for more than a couple of days and everyone expected the Russian war machine, just to steam role over any form of local resistance. Russia expected Ukraine to be another Hungary och Czechoslovakia back in the 1950th, when […]