Win Clinic, a real case workshop focusing on results.


Back in my days as a Sales trainer and Sales coach I developed a workshop that gave the possibility to work out how too, in a structured way, we could win our different business cases that we encountered in real life.

After a while it was called Win Clinic, a workshop that gave the flexibility we needed in a more complex business world, where customers were becoming more competitive and sometimes aggressive.

In most cases it was not an alternative to say no, and in others it was more about how to manage a complex customer, that we in one way or the other had to do business with, even though we from time to time would like to say no.

The Win clinic concept was also used to win back customers or to win over customers from competitors, typically customers of strategic value, or if they had a brand value towards other customers.

The Win clinic concept was also developed from the experience of targeting our top 50 customers ,we had lost and how to make sure we would get them back with other means than just price.

Win clinics are always adapted to the need and to the different business cases we encounter in the more and more complex business world of today.

In some cases it was also used to train our self in awkward situations, when we knew we were up against someone who had the upper-hand on us, or in meetings that we knew had a big impact on our future businesses.

Over the years I have developed the Win clinic concept in to handling more than 10 different scenarios, that most clients encounter when interacting with business partners.

Let us suport you in how to prepare you in a proper proactive flexible way, so you can achieve your business targets, strategies or goals.

If you would like to know more, we can give you an insight in a short personal meeting or to a group of your choice, the Win clinic concept is our intellectual property and you need to to sign an agreement that makes sure you do not pass the Win clinic concept on to other parties, or within your own organization without an written consent from us.

Bell Blomquist Consulting
Managing Director
Lead Negotiator Consultant
Scotwork Sweden.

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